Not only was today our 17th wedding anniversary, but it was also our day in Stockholm, Sweden. The weather held out for us for at least one more day. I

t was sunny and warm enough for Joel to wear shorts (which means it was over 55 F).
So Stockholm is located in the heart of an archipelago. The city itself is spread out over 14 islands –

one of which is only big enough for the one building that is built on it. There are more than 24,000 islands that make up the archipelago. Stockholm is also the capital of Sweden.
As the capital, and the largest city in

Sweden, Stockholm is not representative of the rest of Sweden – which is much more provincial.

We actually anchored off of Nynaeshamn, and tendered into port. Once there, we could either hop a bus, or a train to Stockholm. After about a 45 min. ride, we were in the heart of the city.
Stockholm is full of wonderful architecture with a very European feel.

The current residence of the Royal Family is a smaller copy of Versailles. The new parliament building is a work of art. It is also the home of the Nobel Prize ceremonies.

Sweden also has its own version of the Titanic. It was a 1628 ship which sank in the very first leg of its maiden voyage. Unlike the Titanic, it was sunk by a gust of wind. I am not kidding about this. It was blown over. It was called the Vasa and was rediscovered in 1956. They raised the ship and built a museum around it. It is pretty amazing that the ship survived mostly intact.

We are looking forward to a 4:01 AM sunrise tomorrow – well, at least looking forward to sleeping through it. Also, the clocks moved forward one more time. That puts us 10 hrs forward of Seattle.
Oh… and if we hadn’t posted a pic of the ship, yet…