April 29, 2010

Trouble Viewing Pictures??? Here's Plan B

Over the past day or so a few of you have mentioned that you have not been able to view some of our embedded photo albums. This seems to be a new issue with Picasa (web program we use to upload pictures to) and it seems to mostly involve those who use Internet Explorer. Things seem to work just fine in Firefox or Safari. After looking at the Picasa tech support boards it seems as though some believe that the current fix involves something between turning around quickly 3 times during a blue moon with your eyes closed or lots of praying to strange idols...um, OK...

The Picasa folks will figure it out. Until then, here's our "fix." If you are having difficulties viewing any of our South American photo albums when you click on them then try clicking on these links instead:
This should work. Let us know if you continue to have problems.