Another lesson learned: Don't let the husband make any unsupervised posts to this blog!
Belize is a pretty amazing place. We took a tour around Belize City on the bus that time forgot that broke down once in-between a few heavily-armed police checkpoints. Yeah, THAT was fun. We later boarded an airboat to see Mantees, native birds, gators, etc.
The country is very young & still developing. from a US standard of living, the residents have nothing (the typical person earns about $80 a week). However, our guides and others we had the opportunity to talk to were extremely proud of their country & how it is much more developed than some of their neighboring counties.
However, everyone we talked to mentioned that pretty much all Belizians (sp?) who had electricity @ home had cable & were very in tune to all-things USA.
Pretty much any kind of meds that require a prescription in the US could be purchased in Belize w/o any needed doctor's note in many of the tourist shops & pharmacies.