Yes, we traveled in 2009. We were fortunate to spend time in Bermuda, California, Florida, Maryland, Mexico, Nevada (Vegas to see Donny & Marie of course), Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC & of course, the cultural capital of Snohomish County (Hwy 99 in Lynnwood) during '09. We just took a break from blogging. Everyone needs a break, right?
Double-click on the pic below to view a few random '09 travel pics with The Chicken from our East Coast USA & Bermuda trip. Just to explain, whenever someone on my work team travels they have to bring Mr. Chicken along & take pics of various landmarks with him in it. It's sort of a Flat Stanley thing. Enjoy!Stay tuned - We're heading back to South America for about a month in 2010. There will be too many opportunities to NOT blog about that trip!